Weight loss could be easy if you choose your lifestyle properly. Eating proper healthy food is the key. There are some foods generally known as fatty but in reality, it is the opposite. We have mentioned here the 5 best fat-burning foods: Guacamole, oatmeal and so on.
Although, no single food will automatically burn fat off your body. Weight loss only occurs when you operate on a caloric deficit, i.e., you use up more calories than you ingest, leading to a breakdown of fat stores in the body.
Well, there’s good news too: some foods can help you fend off hunger, burn calories better, and stay satiated for longer. Interested? We were too!
Let’s take a look at some of the top foods that are proven to accelerate weight loss and promote a healthy lifestyle.
5 Best Fat-Burning Foods
1. Guacamole
Guacamole is one of the best foods for weight loss today. It’s full of monounsaturated fats and vitamin B6 that’s known to directly counteract the effects of the fat-storing stress hormone cortisol. Studies in the journal Diabetes Care show that one scoop of guacamole can regulate the expression of certain fat genes that leave you feeling fuller for longer.
2. Oatmeal
Foods with whole-grain carbs don’t have the same effect as processed carbs. According to a Tufts University study, people who had three servings of whole grains daily had 10 percent less body fat than those who ate starchy carbs like rice, pasta, and bread. Oats are an excellent source of whole-grain carbs and high fiber that keep you satiated longer.

3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil may be all fat, but it can actually reduce abdominal obesity. In one study of 30 men, it was found that participants who took two tablespoons of coconut oil each day lost 1.1 inches from their waist on average each month. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that target belly fat and are quickly burned off for energy instead of being stored in its fat form.
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4. Salmon
Salmon promotes the development of lean muscle mass in your body—and more muscle mass means more fat burning. But that’s not all: wild salmon also contains high levels of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids that block fat storage, accelerate fat burning, and help with weight loss. When designing a diet plan for weight loss, salmon should definitely make it on your shopping list.
5. Dark Chocolate
Going healthy doesn’t mean giving up on all of life’s indulgences.
According to Louisiana State University researchers, eating chocolate containing high concentrations of antioxidants that can boost the production of polyphenolic compounds that are excellent for gut processes. Additionally, one of these compounds is the fatty acid, butyrate, which is known to suppress inflammation genes and burn fat as fuel.

If you want to reap the full benefits of these fat-burning foods, it’s essential to pair it with an overall healthy lifestyle. The quickest way to lose weight and ensure long-term weight loss is through regular exercise, following recommended sleeping habits, and clean eating.